Florida Board Certified Divorce & Family Law attorney


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Live. Just Live. Please.

Love is either true love or it isn’t. True love is love at first sight that is so strong that it is instantly UNCONDITIONAL.

Unconditional love is giving your soul and spirit to another with the intent to help them grow so that their soul and spirit are fully nourished and satisfied and they develop to their greatest and happiest potential.

You can find true love. It does exist and it will find you when the energy of the universe deems it is so.

It cannot find you if you are floundering in your marriage or yours is a bad marriage. It is a personal choice and only your choice to make, whether to dissolve a floundering or bad marriage. You may actually have other interests and desires other than true love and therefore your universal energy is elsewhere and your destiny is a floundering or bad marriage. But if you have a desire or passion to live and love and your marriage is floundering or bad, and counseling cannot remedy the ails of your relationship to true love, then divorce their ass with dignity and honor and let the Universe find true love with and for you.


Anne Kneller